"One million one month" (2020)

Project: This is the 2nd edition of a daily art challenge initiated by a group of wonderful people committed to raise awareness for endangered species on this planet. (www.onemilliononemonth.com for more info)
I first stumbled upon this project last year and immediately wanted to take part. The timing didn't fit back then, unfortunately. Now I am excited to be able to carve out some time to draw as many of the daily prompts as possible. 

There is a list of the species associated with each day of the challenge (May 15th - June 16th 2020). 
If you create something, upload it on the date noted with the hashtags #onemillionomemonth and #1m1mvol2 to get a chance to be featured on their Instagram page

Why?: Raising awareness for environmental issues, and animal welfare has always been one of my main motivators to create stuff.
Since the Coronavirus pandemic crisis, I hardly have any commissions on the table. But I do have loads of thoughts, ideas and emotions about the current and future state of our planet Earth that I want to express.

I have been on a personal mission to hone my skills and explore new illustration techniques for a while - especially since I got my first iPad Pro this year. So initially I had planned to jump right into the #mermay (mermaid drawing challenge) this May. Which would be even more my type of personal ocean-soul project.

However, given the current situation, I found it much more valuable to put my skills training in a meaningful context and support the fight against the extinction of all these amazingly awesome creatures.
Hope you enjoy my journey of exploring new styles
Ahohekohe - Hawaiian bird
Northern Rockhopper (Mosley's) Penguin
Axolotl (aka. "Mexican walking fish")
Northern hairy nosed Wombat
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